Would save me a little money that I could put back into the sim build. But ultimately the cockpit sim will be more for practicing IFR down the line so graphics aren’t really that big of a deal and if FS 2020 doesn’t integrate with my sim build then I wouldn’t want to have spent $120+ on an additional license plus duplicate in app purchases to find out. The realism of the terrain and of the scenery on FS 2020 are incredible compared to xplane and would be a plus for training VFR locally, as we were able to identify his high school, our home, local landmarks, among a multitude of things on his first fly around in FS 2020 out of our local airport. I don’t know how well I’d be able to plug FS 2020 into my cockpit build but would like to try and surprise him. ATC sim server subscription (pilotedge net), possibly Foreflight integration as well (my son just finished ground school and has started flight school). Does anyone know if I would need to purchase two licenses for use on two separate PCs in the same household assuming the same MSN/Xbox ID was used for both and never simultaneously? My son already purchased one copy and installed it on his PC along with several add-ons but I just built a PC to set up a simulator in the garage using Xplane 11, with pretty much a full cockpit virtual instrument panel, Garmin 530/430 sim, yoke, rudder, throttle panel, switches, trim, autopilot module, and radio panels in the config of a cessna 172.